Add new terms to the Symposiums Glossary. The glossary is a list of all terms depicting topics mentioned during the Symposium.
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | (
- (online) research methods
- academia
- Access to PSI
- Accounting
- acquisitions
- Actor Network Theory
- Administrative Law
- Advanced Statistical Analysis
- Algorithm
- algorithmic ideology
- Algorithmic Innovation
- algorithmic selection
- alternative media
- and understanding it all
- anonymity
- anonymous
- Anthropology
- appropriation concepts
- argumentation technology
- Argumentation Theory
- artificial intelligence
- Attribute-based Credentials
- Augmented Reality
- authentication
- behavior change
- behavior change through internet services
- behavior understanding
- behavioral economics
- Behavoiural Economics
- Big Data
- biotech
- Blogs
- Broadcasting Law
- Business Development in the Context of Ambient Assisted Living
- business models
- Business Plan
- Business Value
- Business Value of Web 2.0
- carve-outs
- case examples
- categorization
- censorship arbitrage
- circles of technosocial development
- citizen journalism
- Civic engagement
- civil society
- class
Is class still relevant for analysing online sociality?
If no, why? If yes, which groups should be identified as a "class-in-itself" or as a "class-for-itself", and which concepts would be useful for the analysis, eg. class consciousness, formation, struggle, exploitation, domination, distinction, etc? - cloud computing
- Cloud Data Privacy
- Cloud Data Privacy; Privacy; Data Management; Web of Data
- Cloud Security
- Co-Creation
- Cognitive Design
- collaboration
- collaborative approach
- collaborative research & argumentation
- collectivism
- collectivity
- commons-based peer production
- communication
- Communication Science
- Communication Studies
- Comparative Law
- Competition Law
- complexity theory
- computational design in engineering and architecture
- Computational Sociology
- computer support for cooperative work
- computer-mediated communication
- Conflict Management
- Conflicts of Law
- constitution
- constitutional
- Constitutional and Administrative Law
- constitutional law
- content licencing
- controversy
- convergence
- cooperative networks
- coordination
- Copyright
- Copyright Law
- Copyright Law;
- Copyright Law; Internet Law; Privacy
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Reputation
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Creative Commons
- Creative Industries
- creativity and innovation in digital communication
- Crime and Virtual Worlds (e.g. Onlinegames)
- Criminology of Hacking
- crisis- and conflict-mapping
- critical cartography
- critical GIS
- critical studies
- cross-cultural
- cross-lingual
- Crowd
- crowd wisdom
- crowd-sourcing
- crowdfunding
- Crowdsourcing
- Cultural hacking
- cultural science
- cultural sociology
- culture
- Cyber Foreign Policy
- Cyber Securities
- cyber-anthropology
- Cyberanthropology
- Cybercrime
- Cyberculture
- Cyberinfrastructure
- cyberlaw
- cybernetics
- Cyberspace Law
- data journalism
- Data Maning
- data mining
- Data Protection
- Data Protection. Security
- Data Protection. Transparency.
- Data-driven-journalism
- decentralisation
- decoupled systems
- deliberative democracy
- design
- design thinking
- Development Cooperation
- digital / open source culture
- Digital Cities
- Digital Citizenship
- digital communication
- digital constitutuionalism
- Digital Convergence
- Digital CSR and Sustainability
Responsibility and sustainability corporate digital refers to all processes of an Organization embodying an added value not only to the culture of the Institution, through social practices and sustainable digital, if not its impact on Society
- digital culture
- Digital Divide
- Digital Engagement
- Digital Infrastructures
- digital libraries
- Digital Media and Social Memory
- digital methods
- Digital Policy
- digital rights
- digital society and post-digital society
- digital sovereigns
- digital user rights
- Discourse and Public Sphere on the Internet
- Disruptive innovation
- distraction
- distributed
- distributed operating systems of society
- divestitures
- domestication
- E-Gov
- E-Governance
- E-Governement
- E-Government
- e-health
- E-Justice
- E-Learning
- e-Participation
- E-Publishing
- e-science
- e2e
- ecological communication
- Economic Development
- economic sociology
- eDemocracy
- Education
- electoral campaigns
- electronic democracy
- emotional intelligence
- Empathy
- Enabeling environments
- end to end
- end to end principle
- Enhancing Transperancy
- Enterprise 2.0
- enterprise 2.0; knowledge networks; group memory; knowledge mapping; critical studies
- entrepreneurship
- Environment
- epartcipation
- eResearch
- ethnography
- ethnomethodology
- EU Media Law
- European constitutional law
- European IP regulation
- European Law
- european union law
- evaluation
- everyday life
- Evolution of Norms
- expertise
- expressive privacy
- extremism and onlinegames
- Feminist approaches
- Finance
- Forum
- Fragementation of Society
- Freedom of Information
- freedom of speech
- Future Internet
- Future Internet Architecture
- future of work
- Futures Research
- Futures Studies
- Gamecrime and Metacrime
- games
- Geobrowsing
- geocommunication
- geographic information
- Geographical Information Science
- Geographical Information Science (GISc)
- GeoMedia
- geomedia and (geo)communication in education environments
- geospatial law
- geotargeting
- geovisualization
- geovisualization geomedia and (geo)communication in education environments
- GeoWeb
- GISc (Geographical Information Science)
- Global governance of the Internet & ICTs
- Global Innovation
- Global Innovation; Open Innovation; Innovation in Emerging Markets
- Gold Farming
- gov 2.0
- Governance
- governance choice
- governance in digitally mediated environments
- group memory
- group polarization
- Hacktivism
- hard law
- Human Interaction in Virtual Environments
- Human Rights
- humanities
- hybrid design
- hybrid net
- hybrid space
- hybridnet
- i18n/l10n
- ICT Law
- ICTs and Resistance
- identity
- Identity Management
- implications
- Influence of Internet/online communication on political opinions and believs
- Influences of Digital Media on Society
- Information
- Information Economics
- information economy
- information flows
- information law
- information literacy
- Information Management
- information politics
- information retrieval
- informational capitalism
- informetrics
- infrastructure
- infrastructure studies
- infrastructures
- innovation
- Innovation and media studies
- Innovation Communication
- innovation policy
- Intellectual Property
- Intellectual Property Law
- Intellectual Property Rights
- intelligence
- intercultural
- Interent Architectures & Governance
- intergroup relations
- intergroup relations and how computer-mediated communication can influence these processes
- Intermediates
- international economic law
- Internet
- internet (research) ethics
- Internet Business Models
- internet crime
- Internet governance
- Internet Governance; Changes of Patterns in Media Regulation;
- Internet Governance; Social Community; Crowdsourcing; Crowdfunding; New Work;
- internet history
- Internet in Authoritarian Regimes
- Internet Law
- Internet Legislation
- Internet Marketing
- Internet of Haecceities
- internet of things
- internet of things; reactive and proactive tools
- Internet policy
- Internet Policy Activism
- Internet Politics
- Internet Privacy
- internet regulation
- Internet Regulations
- Internet science
- Internet security
- Internet Studies
- Internet technology and design
- Internet Theory
- Internet usage practices (of minorities)
- Internet user behavior
- internet voting
- Internet&Society
- Internet-based Innovation & Economy
- Internet-enabled social change
- Intersubjectivity
- IP
- IP law and policy
- ipr
- IT
- IT Security
- Journalism
- Journalism and Web 2.0
- juridification
- Keynote
- knowledge
- Knowledge Management
- knowledge mapping
- knowledge networks
- knowledge production
- language
- Language Technology
- languages online
- law
- law and norms
- Law and Politics
- law and society
- law and technology
- leadership
- Legal Informatics
- legislation
- life
- linguistics
- link analysis
- literature review
- Local Innovation
- location technologies
- Location-Based Services
- Locative Media
- Machine Learning
- management of IT-based services
- Managing Complexity
- mapping
- Media
- Media and communications law and policy
- media appropriation
- media communication and politics
- Media concentration
- media criticism
- Media curation and crowdsourcing
- media globalization
- Media Governance
- Media Law
- Media Literacy
- media philosophy
- Media Policy
- media practices
- media regulation
- Media research and Media Science
- Media Studies
- media theory
- Medical
- memory work and social media
- Metaversen - Gamecrime and Metacrime)
- methodology
- methods
- microblogging
- Mirror Neurons
- Mobile Communities
- Mobile Computing
- Mobile Innovation
- Mobile Platform Innovation
- Mobile Sensing
- Mobilities
- mobility
- Modeling and Simulation
- monitoring future trends
- Motivation Theory
- Multilinguality
- multinational media companies
- Multistakeholder Governance
- Music recommendation
- nanotech
- Narratology
- national law
- natural environment
- net architecture
- net neutrality
- net politics
- Netnography
- network neutrality
- Networked Mobilities
- networking science
- networks
- new media
- Newsgames
- next society
- non-use
- On-screen and Off-screen Navigation
- online communities
- Online Game Industry
- Online Information processing
- Online Information processing; political and social effects of internet usage
- online media
- online publication
- online research methods
- online safety
- online user studies
- online-risks
- Onlinegames
- Open Access
- Open Data
- Open Data & Government
- open government
- Open innovation
- Open innovation Open Science Digital CSR and Sustainability Social Media Analytics
- open science
- Open Source
- open statecraft
- OpenBeacon
- opendata
- OpenGov
- OpenPCD
- operating systems of society
- Organisation
- organization studies
- participation
- patents
- peer production
- Peer to Patent
- Performance Measruement Modell für Marketing Communication
- personal autonomy
- Personal Data Economy
- personalization
- Philosophy
- Philosophy of Computing
- Philosophy of Innovation
- Platform Regulation
- play and game research
- plurality of opinion
- policy
- policy;
- political and social effects of internet usage
- Political Communication
- political communication and internet
- political neutrality
- Political Participation on the Internet
- political planning and policy advice
- Political Science
- political theory
- Politics
- Post-digital society
- post-merger integration
- Power
- pragmatics
- principles
- Privacy
- Privacy; Internet governance; eID
- Privacy; Internet governance; net neutrality
- problems and solutions
- Process Management
- process sociology
- prototyping
- public
- Public Administration
- public domain
- public domain; copyright; law and economics; empirical research
- Public International Law
- public law
- public media law
- public policy
- Public Relations
- public sphere
- public sphere on the Internet
- R&D
- ranking
- rating
- reactive and proactive tools
- reflexivity
- regulation
- regulatory implications from the changing role of users
- remote testing
- requirements engineering
- Research Data Management
- research methods
- researcher
- Reverse Engineering
- risk
- rituals in a connected world
- RnD
- rule of law
- science
- science and technology studies
- Science Communication
- science communications; science journalism
- scientific communication
- Scientometrics
- search engine politics
- search technologies
- Semantic Web
- service computing
- simulacra
- simulation
- smart cities
- smart green web strategies
- Smart Grid
- smartphone social experience
- Social Capital
- social construction of technology
- social engineering
- Social Innovation
- social innovation + information technology
- social institutions to the Internet
- Social Interaction
- Social Location Services
- Social Media
- Social Media for Development
- Social Media & Business
- Social Media Analysis
- Social Media Analytics
- Social Media Strategy
- social movements
- social netw
- Social Network Analysis
- social network sites
- social networks
- social norms
- social search
- social semantic web
- Social Web
- Sociology
- Sociology of Communication; Political Media Effects
- sociology of governance
- sociology of the Internet
- sociology of virtual worlds
- soft law
- software
- Software Studies
- Soziale Netzwerke
- Space-Time Analysis
- spaces of communication
- standards
- State Sovereignty in Times of Web 2.0
- Statistical Analysis
- Strategy
- Strategy Processes
- Study of the Internet as a factor affecting the flow of processes in politics and civil society
- surveillance
- sustainability
- Sustainable Economics
- System Science
Yet to be agreed. Watch this space
- systems
- systems and communication theory
- systems theory
- Targeting
- techno-scientific controversies
- technology
- Technology and Communication
- technology assessment
- Technology enhanced Learning
- Technology Law
- Telecommunications Law
- the information revolution and world politics
- the Internet
- the universe
- theory
- Theory of Computer Science
- Theory of Public Sphere
- Theory of Social Systems
- time
- time; cultural sociology; everyday life
- trade of virtual goods
- transparency
- trust
- Trust and Security
- Underground Economy
- universal service
- university
- Urban Informatics
- Urban Innovation
- Usability Studies for Elder People
- user experience
- user-targeted advertising
- value networks
- virtual communities
- Virtual Law
- Virtual Research Environments
- Virtual Work
- Virtuality
- voting behavior
- Web 2.0
- web 2.0 intermediaries; innovation competition
- web engineering
- web science
- web science. networking science
- webometrics
- Webscience
- wireless networking
- Work associated with Virtual Worlds
- Work Life & Mobile
- Workflow Engines
- youth
- youth and media
- Youth Protection