Niva Elkin-Koren
Niva Elkin-Koren is the Dean of the University of Haifa Faculty of Law and the founding director of the Haifa
Center for Law & Technology (HCLT).
She received her LL.B from Tel-Aviv University Faculty of Law in 1989, her LL.M from Harvard Law School in 1991, and her S.J.D from Stanford Law School in 1995.
Her research focuses on the legal institutions that facilitate private and public control over the production and dissemination of information. She has written and spoken extensively about the privatization of information policy, private ordering, copyright law and democratic theory, the effects of cyberspace on the economic analysis of law, liability of information intermediaries, the regulation of search engines, and legal strategies for enhancing the public domain.
She is the author of Intellectual Property in the Information Age (2004) (Hebrew); coauthor of The Limits of Analysis: Law and Economics of Intellectual Property in the Digital Age (forthcoming 2012) and Law,
Economics and Cyberspace: The effects of Cyberspace on the Economic Analysis of Law (2004). She is the coeditor of Law and Information Technology (2011) and The commodification of Information (2002).
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