Room Workshop Room 1
Chair Maren Hartmann
Moderator Jan-Hinrik Schmidt
Speaker Florian Fischer
Speaker Lonneke van der Velden
Speaker Robert Vogler
Speaker Tristan Thielmann
Respondent Boris Michel
Respondent Georg Glasze
Respondent Richard Rogers
Dwelling in the Web: Towards a Googlization of Space
Searching and finding information on the Web, something that now appears to be determining the production and dissemination of knowledge within our society to an ever increasing extent, is often summed up using the catchphrase ‘Googlization’. The spreading GeoWeb in general and the user-driven production of geo-referenced information in particular (by geo-tagging, collaborative mapping, etc.), has pluralized the representation of spatial conceptions in global networks of communication and promotes the Googlization of space concurrently. Increasingly, the Web – which once held the promise of unimpeded access to the wide world – is beginning to segment our view of the world through social and spatial filtering, with implications for various societal action fields. During the workshop research perspectives on the interdependencies between media and space, between media spaces and spatial media will be discussed. It will examine specific production and consumer practices that constitute the role of geomedia in the process of the creation of order within and through the Web. The overarching aim is to understand how space becomes a new paradigm for search, communication and interaction, but also how space serves the representation and delivery of content and therefore results in browsing behavior being substantially influenced by spatial structures.
Top 5 Research Questions
We have identified a number of research questions on this topic. Here are the top 5:
- Making the GeoWeb – the construction of the construction of space: How do users and commercial interests shape geomedia? » read more
- What about people in the GeoWeb – geomedia and society: How does the GeoWeb interweave with people and their relation to space? » read more
- informational self-determination: How can the right to informational self-determination be applied and implemented to personal location data? » read more
- Mobilization of the Web: What kind of new spaces and demarcations are established through the mobilization of the Web? » read more
- After softwareization: What is media after software? How are mediation and mediality changing after softwareization? » read more
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