Prof. Dr. Franz Mayer
University of Bielefeld
comparative law Constitutional and Administrative Law Cyberspace Law
European Law Law and Politics Public International Law
public law
Professor Franz C. Mayer holds the Chair in Public Law, European Law, Public International Law, Comparative Law and Law and Politics at the University of Bielefeld (Law Faculty). He studied Law, Political Science and History at the Universities of Bonn and Munich and at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences-Po). LL.M. (Yale Law School) 1995; Dr. iur. (University of Munich) 1999; Habilitation (Humboldt University) 2005. His teaching and research interests focus on European constitutional and administrative law, on comparative law, on the relationship between European law and politics and more generally on international law and public law. He has also been teaching and publishing on various aspects of Cyberspace Law from a Public Law and a EU Law perspective since 1996.
Publications include:
- Recht und Cyberspace, Neue Juristische Wochenschrift [NJW] 1996, 1782;
- Europe and the Internet. The Old World and the New Medium, European Journal of International Law [EJIL] 11 (2000), 145;
- The Internet and Public International Law – Worlds Apart?, European Journal of International Law [EJIL] 12 (2001), 617;
- Das Internet, das Völkerrecht und die Internationalisierung des Rechts, Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie [ZfRSoz] 2002, 93;
- Europäisches Internetverwaltungsrecht, in: Verwaltungsrecht in der Europäischen Union, 2011, p. 931
- Die Verpflichtung auf Netzneutralität im Europarecht. Europaverfassungsrechtliche Vorgaben und netzpolitische Handlungsdefizite, in: Kloepfer (ed.), Netzneutralität in der Informationsgesellschaft, 2011, p. 81
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